In 2012, Connecticut became the 17th state to legalize cannabis for palliative, medical purposes. Under Connecticut General Statutes Chapter 420f, Section 21a-408:
- A qualifying patient shall not be subject to arrest or prosecution, penalized in any manner, including, but not limited to, being subject to any civil penalty, or denied any right or privilege, including, but not limited to, being subject to any disciplinary action by a professional licensing board, for the palliative use of marijuana
- A registered caregiver shall not be subject to arrest or prosecution, penalized in any manner, including, but not limited to, being subject to any civil penalty, or denied any right or privilege, including, but not limited to, being subject to any disciplinary action by a professional licensing board, for the acquisition, distribution, possession or transportation of marijuana or paraphernalia related to marijuana on behalf of such primary caregiver’s qualifying patient;
- Any written certification for the palliative use of marijuana issued by a physician or an advanced practice registered nurse…shall be valid for a period not to exceed one year from the date such written certification is signed and dated by the physician or advanced practice registered nurse.
- Each qualifying patient who is issued a written certification for the palliative use of marijuana under subdivision (1) of subsection (a) of section 21a-408a, and the primary caregiver of such qualifying patient, shall register with the Department of Consumer Protection. Such registration shall be effective from the date the Department of Consumer Protection issues a certificate of registration until the expiration of the written certification issued by the physician or advanced practice registered nurse. The qualifying patient and the primary caregiver shall provide sufficient identifying information, as determined by the department, to establish the personal identity of the qualifying patient and the primary caregiver.
CT Medical Marijuana Laws & Regulations
General Information
Patients and caregivers are the only individuals allowed in the facility. If someone is providing you a ride to the facility, please make accommodations by having them wait outside the facility.
The monthly maximum allowance is 2.5 ounces unless otherwise indicated by your physician.
The law prohibits opening the medicine within the facility unless a written request is obtained to remove the marijuana product from the producer’s child-resistant container or package and place it in a non-child resistant, secure and light-sensitive container.
Proper Disposal of Marijuana by Patients or Caregivers
A patient or caregiver shall dispose of all usable marijuana in the patient’s or caregiver’s possession no later than ten calendar days after the expiration of the patient’s registration certificate, if such certificate is not renewed, or sooner,. Patients and caregivers have two options for disposal: (1) By rendering the marijuana non-recoverable in accordance with the department’s proper disposal instructions, which are available on the department’s Internet web site at; (2) By depositing it in a Connecticut police department medication drop-box.